Friday, September 16, 2005

Sales Letters That Sizzle

Are you're sales letters turning into "junk mail?" Writing guru Mannie Sherberg can help you craft sales letters that leave readers thinking, "Hey, maybe I should buy that." Read the following article for five lessons that will help you write more dynamic sales letters.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ho-Hum Employees? Learn To 'Light Their Fire'

What does “internal marketing” mean to you? Too many leaders associate the phrase with such uninspiring tools as, say, the company mission statement slapped on a bulletin board in the break room…or a dull-as-dishwater company newsletter…or maybe a holiday party that people feel obligated to attend. Most of all, though, such leaders assume internal marketing is in the realm of human resources. But according to Susan M. Drake, selling your brand promise to employees is an absolutely critical function—-one that should begin at the loftiest level of your organization.
“Effective internal marketing is a CEO-level priority,” asserts Drake, president of Spellbinders and co-author (along with Michelle J. Gulman and Sara M. Roberts) of “Light Their Fire: Using Internal Marketing to Ignite Employee Performance and WOW Your Customers.”
“It’s all about getting employees to love your brand so they, in turn, will convince customers to love it. Employees who are ho-hum about your brand and product will do a ho-hum job and give ho-hum service. Ho-hum service equals lost business.
Click here to read Drake's insights and suggestions to light the fire of your ho-hum employees.