Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Vacation Time, Or Not?

The weather is getting warmer and the days longer. It's time for many of us to start thinking about summer vacations. Disneyworld, the beach, a lounge chair and a good book at the lake, that fishing trip...pick your destination.
Vacations are not only a great time to reconnect with our family, they are essential to recharge the batteries. The problem is many entrepreneurs miss out on this opportunity. The reason: they can't leave the business.
Over the years, as I've covered business owners, I'd hear this excuse all the time. "I just can't leave. The business couldn't survive." Well, let me be the one to break it to all business owners. You can leave for a few days. If you're business can't survive a Thursday-Sunday away from the office, you need to turn in the keys to the office and go get a job. Because you don't really have a business.
For starters, I don't think you're business will disappear if you miss a few days. If you believe it will, may I suggest a few books, "The E-Myth," by Michael E. Gerber and/or Bill Collier's "How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner ... and Still Have a Life." Both books will help outline how to turn your dream into a self-sustaining business.
No matter what stage your business is in, you need your time away to recharge. See you at the beach.
--Ron Ameln, SBM


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